Not Me! Monday is a blog carnival by MckMamma at She probably won't have Mr. Linky up because she is in Boston with a very sick baby. He is scheduled to have major heart surgery on Tuesday, so PLEASE pray for everyone involved!!
Well, let's get started... I am NOT posting on Sunday night. I do NOT usually do my not me's on Monday morning, but I will NOT be in a training all day Monday. I have NOT spent the what feels like the better part of April in meetings, professional developments, and the like. I do NOT hate meetings.
I am NOT horrified that I missed the blog Spring Fling over at Domestically Challenged this weekend. It was such a great idea and I did NOT forget to email my post to Sara. On Friday, I was NOT braindead because of a literacy coach meeting. I did NOT spend the day with people complaining about things that are out of our control. This does NOT suck the life out of me. I also did NOT spend the three hours being "trained" on technology I understand. I did NOT feel this was a colossial waste of my time and this did NOT make me grumpy. Then when I realized I missed the Spring Fling, I did NOT feel like crying.
I am NOT in tick warfare mode. I did NOT have this big tick destruction plan for Saturday. I did NOT send Mark out to cut the grass while I was NOT going to vacuum every nook and cranny of my h0use. After two minutes of vacuuming, I did NOT suck up a dust ruffle and break my vacuum. I am NOT going to be without a good vacuum for about two weeks!! I do NOT love having vacuumed carpet. Seriously, I love to vacuum... I am by no stretch of the imagination a neat freak, but dirty floors kill me. I am NOT hurting...
You will be happy to know that I did NOT spray the yard, the trees in the "forest" next door, bathe the dog, and use super-duper tick be gone drops. I will NOT win the war against ticks. Oh, and I did NOT have one on my stomach Friday night!! Eeewww... that would be gross. I am NOT relieved to know that ticks in Florida are not disease carriers.
I did NOT leave my child's backpack in the parking lot at his school. Actually, that's true I did NOT, I should say, Ryan did NOT leave his backpack... So I did NOT send him to preschool with a Vera Bradley backpack. That would be girlie...
And finally, we did NOT spend the afternoon at the beach without sunscreen. We did NOT manage to not have any sunburn!! I guess we did NOT get there late enough... My children are NOT acting like heathens because they are tired and I'm NOT too busy playing - I mean- blogging on the computer.
Ok, so they don't look like heathens... but trust me, they are acting like them!
Oh no, poor vacuum! I think I would find a loaner! I am a freak about the floors too! Another reason we do not have a tick wars! Poor thing (you and him...or her, now I can't remember!) Sorry about all your training--very unfun! I am so excited about your marathon! I can't wait to get all the gory details (because if I know you at all, my sides will be splitting from the laughter!!!!!)
Darn it! It lost my comment.
So, that can't hold ME down.
I am thinking of doing another spring fling in may. Maybe a Memorial Day flinger-o. You can do that one! Twice!
I cannot wait to hear about your marathon!!!
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