Monday, December 15, 2008

Not Me! Monday

Guess what day it is?? Monday... Do you know what that means? It's true confessions time... This blog game was started by MckMamma at When you are done with my blog, hop on over there and see her blog as well as hundreds of other not me's!

Most of my confessions center around the cookie party I had for some friends at church. I would {not} host a cookie exchange just so I could get a variety of cookies to give to teachers. I am {not} that cheap! I also do {not} remember hating getting cookies from kids - but I think it's better than cheesy decorations from the Dollar Tree that I have gotten. I was {not} a wee bit disappointed that only 8 people came. I did {not} procrastinate on the invitations and only give people a one week notice. But I did {not} have a great time with the friends that came!

I did {not} seriously think it would be an "easy" day if Missy and her kids came over on Saturday to bake with us. Our kids were {not} self-entertaining. Ryan was {not} pushing Gavin for no reason. And sorry, Missy, Gavin is {not} a tattle-tale. I am {not} secretly thankful that my kids can't talk because that means they can't tattle! Missy's cookies were {not} high-maintenance. She did {not} take 5 hours to make 6 dozen cookies. I did {not} enjoy hanging out with her and I did {not} drag secrets out of her! She did {not} have her husband call me and tell me to get the wine out because she did {not} have a bad experience at the grocery store.

Mark did not get a gigantic hammer out to break up peppermints for Missy's {not} high-maintenance cookies. He did {not} end up putting mints in the blender. The boys did {not} thinkt hat was the coolest thing ever.

Onto a new topic... I did {not} wake-up on Sunday with another sore throat. I am{not} sick again. I am {not} upset with Ryan for giving me this stupid cold. I did {not} walk instead of run this morning. I am {not} going to let the lack of running get me down. I am {not} needing to run an extra 10 miles because of the cookies I did {not} eat! I am {not} proud of the 12 miles I did on Saturday. I am {not} seriously having trouble finding a 13 mile loop that does not go the same place twice. I do {not} hate running laps - I would {not} rather do a loop.

So what haven't you done this week?

1 comment:

Prachar family said...

Great week for not me's!! Go girl with your miles!! IMPRESSIVE! The cookie exchange looked tasty!