Monday, December 22, 2008

Not Me Monday part 2

This is like a P.S. For all the rules and disclaimer information, see the "real" not me Monday post...

So I did {not} finally do my Christmas Shopping today. I did {not} buy this really cute race track thing for the boys and then I did {not} go to Goodwill and find the SAME THING for $2. Yep! I didn't find anything to sell on Ebay, but I just saved $43!! Unfortunately, no bargains to sell...

I did {not} get my Uncle's Christmas letter in the mail. I was {not} happy to see that I made his letter for visiting in June. I was {not} later TRUMPED big time by my brother. I only got a half sentence... He got a whole paragraph. I am {not} still competing with my brother over numbers. I am 35 years old. I am {not} a mature mother. I do {not} compete with my brother. Doug spent this past fall at the FBI academy and visited with my Aunt and Uncle. But he fixed their house and did all sorts of projects. So... I did {not} call Doug and razz him. Since Doug is a nicer person than me, he did {not} shrug off his efforts. Doug still thinks I won since I went for a birthday... At least I am no longer counting the number of presents we each get...

p.s.s I did {not} just leave my children to their own devices for 5 minutes to blog. I did {not} find them both in the shower. Fully clothed. The thing is... they each only have one pair of shoes. And Ryan has special braces so he can't even wear his old shoes anymore... When will I learn??

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