Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Hey there! Monday did not totally sneak up on me today! I normally have my post all planned out by 7:30 in the morning. This blog carnival started by MckMamma at is the highlight of my Mondays...

I did NOT start the day behind the proverbial eight-ball and stay behind it all day. You see, I did NOT wake up 10 minutes before I was supposed to meet my running partner this morning. I did NOT call her husband at 4:50 in the morning to see if she had left yet. I did NOT run out of the house and forget my make up, flat iron, deodorant, and other necessities. I did NOT realize as I'm typing this that I forgot deodorant. I totally did NOT forget the little bit of morning maintenance...

I am sure there are so many other things to confess that I have simply forgotten about. They are probably NOT the usual ones - feeding children nothing but hot dogs, chicken nuggets and cereal. I am sure I have NOT snapped at my husband or kids. I am most certain I have NOT gossiped and I have NOT judged. But that is all boring. What I want to know is if you have ever NOT done this: Gotten yourself all worked up about something you imagine another person is thinking about you. But, that other person, probably doesn't think those things about you. Ok, I know I'm the only freak. But I did NOT do this while out running on Sunday morning... I was NOT on mile 13 and completely losing my mind. I did NOT start praying for a friend of mine only to have my prayer spiral into wandering thinking. Because I NEVER get off track when I pray. But if I did... I would start a conversation with this person in my head and then she would totally judge me and think she was a better mom because she doesn't work. The stupid thing is, my friend would never think that, but I'm so insecure that I think people think this. I'm sure you guys NEVER have moments of doubt -because I NEVER do!!

Happy Monday!


Wayne said...

well it sounds like you had one of those days.

great not me monday

Prachar family said...

Lots of laughs as usual, but I couldn't relate to much of that last paragraph at all. I do not think SATAN has a corner on the insecurity market at ALL!!