Thursday, June 18, 2009

Notes to Self...

I am feeling rather random today, so here are some thoughts running through my mind. There is absolutely no depth!

Note to self... don't go to WalMart at noon. It will be as packed as "Season"!

Note to self... empty pockets before wearing clothing in the pool. Cell phones are NOT as forgiving as key fobs.

Note to self... don't put spring cleaning off. Follow FlyLady's system or use Travis' system - Spring Clean Year 'Round.

Note to self... plan dinners ahead of time, it makes life easier.

Note to self... my husband is a fantastic father and husband.

Note to self... hanging clothes on the line is kinda fun.

Note to self... when being cheap and cutting your children's hair - make sure it's even. But if you are going to screw it up, be sure to mess up on the child who wear's the "goober hat."

Note to self... don't listen to Susan about how many lunges to do when working out with her.

Note to self... get the mail in the box early - the mail carrier is now showing up in the morning.

Note to self... it takes 10 bags of mulch to take of the front flower beds.

Note to self... learn to use the weed-eater.

Note to self... stop looking for marathons to run! Just eat less so my butt/thighs don't get big.

I have a bunch more thoughts, but I'm getting a bit bored - as you probably are too!

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