Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hurricanes and other ramblings!

The first week of school has gone beautifully. Zach is with Miss Dana again and he LOVES her. All he talks about is seeing Miss Dana and riding the bus. Ryan is with Mrs. Mirville again and she is phenomenal. She has the patience of a saint and is calm - incredible because she is in a room full of preschoolers!! I would post a picture of them in their uniforms and backpacks waiting for the school bus, but Mark keeps forgetting to take the picture...

On our second day of school we had a hurricane day! Tropical Storm Fay was coming up the gulf coast of Florida and should have brought tons of rain, wind, and storm surge. The day was overcast, muggy, and maybe 5 minutes of drizzle. But then for the next 4 days, we have had torrential down pours - not all the time, but definitely the rain bands from Fay. Go figure...

I took the boys to the playground and they learned how to jump off the equipment safely. Ryan loves to hang out of openings and laugh. I know what he is thinking, "This is a little scary, but my mom is there... Oh look at her frightened face, isn't that funny? [insert belly laugh] Oh, wait that is scary, let me just back up..." So I decided that if he is going to hang out in the openings, he might as well be safe. We mastered that... Then Zach goes for the monkey bars, misses, and ends up in the sand. He thought that was the best thing, so now he launches himself off the equipment! The problem is, he aims for his brother! He hasn't exactly landed on Ryan yet, but it's close. I can just see the note from school...

The funniest thing about our trip to the park was, Ryan was safe getting off the equipment, but on the way to a car, the curb took him out! He feel and scraped his cheek. Poor little guy - he looks like he is constantly brawling!


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